
Pavel Durov and Partner Share Miscarriage Heartbreak After Arrest

Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s recent arrest has led to widespread criticism of the French government, with accusations of promoting censorship policies. In a deeply personal revelation, Durov and his partner, Juli Vavilova, shared that they lost their baby after learning of the pregnancy during Durov’s brief detainment by French authorities.

Vavilova disclosed in a Telegram post that she found out about the pregnancy on August 25. She recalled the moment, saying:

Sitting in a Parisian café, I took the test. The result was in French: ‘Enceinte 3+.’ I ran back upstairs to translate. The shock on my face when it said ‘Pregnant.’ I felt helpless, unable to run to Pavel with the happy news, as he was still unreachable.”

Due to the stress and the delicate stage of the pregnancy, Vavilova, advised by her doctor, initially avoided responding to law enforcement requests for questioning. Eventually, she did cooperate with authorities.

The couple spent the following month adjusting to the life-changing news, which Vavilova described as a mix of joy and uncertainty. However, on October 4, 2024, they received devastating news — the baby’s heart had stopped beating. Vavilova believes the stress from Durov’s high-profile arrest and investigation was too overwhelming, causing the miscarriage when she was ten weeks pregnant.

The personal tragedy adds a human layer to the controversy surrounding Durov’s arrest, as the couple navigates the emotional aftermath.

Summary Review: Pavel Durov and Juli Vavilova’s heartbreaking loss highlights the personal toll that highprofile legal issues can have on individuals and their families. Their story sheds light on the emotional stress that public figures often face, particularly when entangled in legal disputes and public scrutiny. It also underscores the human side of the debate around government policies and censorship, reminding us that behind headlines and controversies are real people dealing with profound personal challenges.

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